Christmas 2008 - A Recap
Our bellies were real full after our wonderful meals.
The streak is over
A year older but not necessarily any wiser ;-)
Fresh & Easy
Here's a little sample of great savings. These are the ingredients for my chicken noodle soup I'm making tonight as the hubs is a little under the weather. All this cost me a whopping $8.38! My soup should make about 6 servings so that's $1.40 a serving!!!
A 32 ounce package of chicken broth is easily $3 + dollars at a major chain and at Fresh & Easy it's only $1.98.
Food + Family + Poker + Wii = A Fun Friday
Black Friday shopping = success
The hubs and I found these great deals at Wal-mart. We purchased 2 8 inch digital picture frames for $39 a piece and also purchased a video camera at $100 off regular retail price. Wal-mart opened at 5 am this morning and the hubs (who accompanied me reluctantly) and I arrived at Wal-mart at around 4:30 to already find hoards of people in line. I don't have a pic but there had to be at least 1,000 customers in front of us. We strategized and opted not to get a cart, and knowing that we weren't going to make any large purchases requiring a shopping cart, it was the best idea. Much easier to weave in and out of aisles without one. We got in the store by 5:20 am and left an hour later with our purchases. We were satisfied customers. :-)
Do you Fondue?
Our yummy Mexican Fiesta cheese fondue
It's here!!!!!!!!!!
You can take a look at our album layout here
Brotherly Love
10 reasons why i love my new job versus my old job.
9. I can wear "normal" clothes. Scrubs are sooo unflattering.
8. A 4 mile one-way commute is waaaaay better than a 30 mile one-way commute.
7. I only fill my gas tank once every 10-14 days.
6. Better leadership
5. I can go home for lunch.
4. I don't feel the need to shower after work anymore.
3. More money with less reponsibility.
2. I get holidays and weekends off.
1. More time to spend with the hubs. :-)
With the folks

I don't know who Dave is but the food was pretty decent. After lunch we headed back to my folks' house to watch our wedding video, which brought a few tears to my mom's eye and just hung out. As we were leaving, my mom was sure to please. Even though we didn't get any home cooking this visit my mom had a "to go" back packed for us with filipino treats she made: palitaw (the filipino version of mochi), kalamay (sticky rice dessert), and toasted mamon (our version of biscotti). YUM! Gotta love mom's cooking!
What could have been
Why blog?
I don't lead a very interesting life but I guess this will now serve as an outlet for me and i guess you can call it a new hobby. An on-line diary I suppose. Although I've never really kept a diary - well, i've started many of them that lasted at most a week. The longest diary I've kept was when I went on a whirlwind trip of Europe in 2000 for 3 weeks. Hopefully this blog will last longer than that. How often I will post, I don't know. I guess when I think of something blog-worthy to post then i'll put it up there for the rest of the internet world to read. For now, let's see how it goes.