
Weird Name, Yummy Dessert

Now before I tell you what I made, I must preface that this is not the name I gave this dessert but the name as it was passed onto me several years ago by a friend. The Next Best Thing to Robert Redford. I'm assuming this is an older recipe and as handsome as Robert Redford is, he wouldn't be the the first male celebrity to come to mind when making a dessert called "The Next Best Thing To _______". But let's move on. There isn't much baking involved in this dessert but it sure tastes good and is always a hit when I make it.

1st layer - chopped walnuts, butter, flour (this is the only part that is baked)

2nd layer - a mixture of cream cheese, sugar, and whipped cream

3rd layer - chocolate and vanilla pudding mixes mixed with milk

4th layer - whipped cream then topped off with cocoa powder

Look at all those layers of goodness! YUM!


: : aileen : : said...

I know someone who makes the best home-made desserts, and one of them she so rightfully calls "Better than s*x cake".

Aileen said...

funny you mention that. i have a recipe for better than sex bars. they are good but not THAT good.